In 2022 JAM1SON vehicles drove 17,630.29 miles working around the Denver Metro area and Western Slope region(s)
(17,630.29 miles / year) at 80.98 carbon tons

We were unhappy with simple estimation of carbon emissions and so we developed a different equation to measure a single tonnage and hold ourselves to a higher standard of carbon tracking

$$\frac{\Delta d}{\Delta t} = \frac{d}{t} - \sum_{i} \frac{e_i}{f} + \sum_{j} \frac{w_j}{f} - \frac{(n \times r \times m)}{t}$$




Building around complex ideas to support simple and usable interfaces.
We enable humans to do meaningful work around the globe in space, where time moves faster.
Sometimes you just need technology that works.




Building around complex ideas to support simple and usable interfaces.
We enable humans to do meaningful work around the globe in space, where time moves faster.
Sometimes you just need technology that works.


Command Center:Real-time monitoring of the space station's systems and diagnostics. Manage resource allocation, system maintenance, and crew scheduling. Risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
Life Support System Management:Monitoring and control of oxygen levels, temperature, and humidity. Automated alerts for anomalies or potential failures.
Health Monitoring:Real-time health data tracking. Predictive health modeling and potential illness identification. Recommendations for exercise and nutrition.
Communication Center:Direct, secure, and reliable communication channels to Earth. Inter-station messaging system for crew members. Scheduling and reminders for communication windows.
Inventory Management:Tracking of food, water, medical supplies, and other necessary resources. Automated alerts for low stock. Integration with resupply mission planning.
Scientific Experiment Management:Management and tracking of ongoing experiments. Data storage and analysis tools. Sharing and collaboration capabilities for scientists on Earth.
Spacewalk Planning and Management:Tools to plan, prepare for, and execute spacewalks. Real-time tracking of astronaut location during spacewalks. Safety monitoring and alerts.
Resource Recycling Monitoring:Tools to manage and monitor the recycling of water and air. Waste management system tracking.
Mission Planning and Management:Scheduling and task assignment for current missions. Tools for planning future missions. Communication and coordination with ground control.
Emergency Response Protocol:Detailed procedures for various emergency situations. Automated alerts and guidance during emergencies.
Maintenance Scheduling and Alerts:Detailed overview of maintenance requirements. Scheduling tools for routine and necessary maintenance. Automated alerts for maintenance needs based on system diagnostics.
Artificial Intelligence Support:AI assistance for decision making. Predictive modeling for resource usage and system performance. Automated system adjustments based on AI recommendations.
Integration with other Space Agencies:Collaborative tools for working with other space agencies. Data sharing and mission coordination capabilities.
Customizable User Interface:Allows users to tailor the application to their preferences. Real-time updates and notifications based on user preferences.




From adversity, Jamison Lippolis crafted JAM1SON - a testament to resilience, not just another tech company, but a monument built on hard-earned lessons. His past mistakes, not hidden, but worn with pride, illuminated his pathway to success. JAM1SON symbolizes a promise - a promise of growth and self-improvement, a beacon amidst the ever-expanding sea of tech enterprises.JAM1SON’s mission: nurture the unicorns-to-be. It was born from the understanding that triumph is a journey, fostered by resilience, adaptability, and boundary-pushing innovation. This ethos fuels JAM1SON, transforming it into a greenhouse for talent and the evolution of technology.This company doesn’t aim to surpass existing standards - it aspires to redefine them. Jamison, a man discontent with the status quo, intertwined this bold sentiment into JAM1SON’s DNA. His vision, a world where AI and humans harmonize, reciprocating lessons and growing together.But Jamison Lippolis and JAM1SON strive for more than evolution. They yearn for revolution. A revolution that reshapes the human-AI interaction, redefining our perspective on technology, and subsequently, life itself. They dream of an era where the division between technology and humanity is erased, replaced with a cooperative synergy.JAM1SON represents Jamison's audacity to dream, to defy norms, and to chart unexplored courses. It is an emblem of courage, encouraging us to embrace our errors and emerge stronger. Above all, JAM1SON stands as an inspiring beacon for dreamers, for those who dare to envision a future that transcends the bounds of today's reality. A future where we co-evolve with technology, and learn, just as Jamison did, from every step along the way.


At JAM1SON, we understand the importance of privacy and are committed to safeguarding the personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect the data that we receive from users who visit our website.Data Collection:
We only collect personal information that is necessary for us to provide our services to you. This information may include your name, email address, and any other information you provide to us through our website.
Use of Information:
We will never sell, rent or share your personal information with third-party companies. We only use your personal information to provide our services to you and to improve your experience on our website.
Cloudflare and Google:
We use Cloudflare and Google to provide our users with the best possible experience. These third-party companies may collect data on our behalf, such as website traffic and user behavior. However, we have no control over the data that they collect, and their respective privacy policies will apply.
Security Measures:
We use industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or alteration. However, no security system is foolproof, and we cannot guarantee that your information will always be secure.
Localized Privacy Policy:
If you require more robust security measures, you can contact us to arrange an in-person meeting. We will provide you with a localized privacy policy that outlines the measures we will take to protect your data during the meeting.
Updates to Privacy Policy:
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes we make to this policy will be reflected on this page.
By using our website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us.